12 research outputs found

    Multiplicative noise for masking numerical microdata with constraints

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    Before releasing databases which contain sensitive information about individuals, statistical agencies have to apply Statistical Disclosure Limitation (SDL) methods to such data. The goal of these methods is to minimize the risk of disclosure of the confidential information and at the same time provide legitimate data users with accurate information about the population of interest. SDL methods applicable to the microdata (i.e. collection of individual records) are often called masking methods. In this paper, several multiplicative noise masking schemes are presented. These schemes are designed to preserve positivity and inequality constraints in the data together with the vector of means and covariance matrix

    A posteriori disclosure risk measure for tabular data based on conditional entropy

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    Statistical database protection, also known as Statistical Disclosure Control (SDC), is a part of information security which tries to prevent published statistical information (tables, individual records) from disclosing the contribution of specific respondents. This paper deals with the assessment of the disclosure risk associated to the release of tabular data. So-called sensitivity rules are currently being used to measure the disclosure risk for tables. These rules operate on an a priori basis: the data are examined and the rules are used to decide whether the data can be released as they stand or should rather be protected. In this paper, we propose to complement a priori risk assessment with a posteriori risk assessment in order to achieve a higher level of security, that is, we propose to take the protected information into account when measuring the disclosure risk. The proposed a posteriori disclosure risk measure is compatible with a broad class of disclosure protection methods and can be extended for computing disclosure risk for a set of linked tables. In the case of linked table protection via cell suppression, the proposed measure allows detection of secondary suppression patterns which offer more protection than others

    A Roadmap for Greater Public Use of Privacy-Sensitive Government Data: Workshop Report

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    Government agencies collect and manage a wide range of ever-growing datasets. While such data has the potential to support research and evidence-based policy making, there are concerns that the dissemination of such data could infringe upon the privacy of the individuals (or organizations) from whom such data was collected. To appraise the current state of data sharing, as well as learn about opportunities for stimulating such sharing at a faster pace, a virtual workshop was held on May 21st and 26th, 2021, sponsored by the National Science Foundation and National Institute of Standards and Technologies, where a multinational collection of researchers and practitioners were brought together to discuss their experiences and learn about recently developed technologies for managing privacy while sharing data. The workshop specifically focused on challenges and successes in government data sharing at various levels. The first day focused on successful examples of new technology applied to sharing of public data, including formal privacy techniques, synthetic data, and cryptographic approaches. Day two emphasized brainstorming sessions on some of the challenges and directions to address them.Comment: 23 page

    Multivariate Noise Protocols

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    Statistical agencies have conflicting obligations to protect confidential information provided by respondents to surveys or censuses and to make data available for research and planning activities. When the microdata themselves are to be released, in order to achieve these conflicting objectives, statistical agencies apply Statistical Disclosure Limitation (SDL) methods to the data, such as noise addition, swapping or microaggregation. In this paper, several multiplicative noise masking schemes are presented. These schemes are designed to preserve positivity and inequality constraints in the data together with means and covariance matrix

    Propensity Score Based Conditional Group Swapping for Disclosure Limitation of Strata-Defining Variables

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    In this paper we propose a method for statistical disclosure limitation of categorical variables that we call Conditional Group Swapping. This approach is suitable for design and strata-defining variables, the cross-classification of which leads to the formation of important groups or subpopulations. These groups are considered important because from the point of view of data analysis it is desirable to preserve analytical characteristics within them. In general data swapping can be quite distorting [13, 16, 20], especially for the relationships between the variables not only within the subpopulations but for the overall data. To reduce the damage incurred by swapping, we propose to choose the records for swapping using conditional probabilities which depend on the characteristics of the exchanged records. In particular, our approach exploits the results of propensity scores methodology for the computation of swapping probabilities. The experimental results presented in the paper show good utility properties of the method

    Masking Methods that Preserve Positivity Constraints in Microdata

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    Statistical agencies have conflicting obligations to protect confidential information provided by respondents to surveys or censuses and to make data available for research and planning activities. When the microdata themselves are to be released, in order to achieve these conflicting objectives, statistical agencies apply statistical disclosure limitation (SDL) methods to the data, such as noise addition, swapping or microaggregation. Some of these methods do not preserve important structure and constraints in the data, such as positivity of some attributes or inequality constraints between attributes. Failure to preserve constraints is not only problematic in terms of data utility, but also may increase disclosure risk. In this paper, we describe a method for SDL that preserves both positivity of attributes and the mean vector and covariance matrix of the original data. The basis of the method is to apply multiplicative noise with the proper, data-dependent covariance structure

    Hybrid Microdata via Model-Based Clustering

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    In this paper we propose a new scheme for statistical disclosure limitation which can be classified as a hybrid method of protection, that is, a method that combines properties of perturbative and synthetic methods. This approach is based on model-based clustering with the subsequent synthesis of the records within each cluster. The novelty is that the clustering and synthesis methods have been carefully chosen to fit each other in view of reducing information loss. The model-based clustering tries to obtain clusters such that the within-cluster data distribution is approximately normal; then we can use a multivariate normal synthesizer for the local synthesis of data. In this way, some of the non-normal characteristics of the data are captured by the clustering, so that a simple synthesizer for normal data can be used within each cluster. Our method is shown to be effective when compared to other disclosure limitation strategies

    A second order cone formulation of continuous CTA model

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    The final publication is available at link.springer.comIn this paper we consider a minimum distance Controlled Tabular Adjustment (CTA) model for statistical disclosure limitation (control) of tabular data. The goal of the CTA model is to find the closest safe table to some original tabular data set that contains sensitive information. The measure of closeness is usually measured using l1 or l2 norm; with each measure having its advantages and disadvantages. Recently, in [4] a regularization of the l1 -CTA using Pseudo-Huber func- tion was introduced in an attempt to combine positive characteristics of both l1 -CTA and l2 -CTA. All three models can be solved using appro- priate versions of Interior-Point Methods (IPM). It is known that IPM in general works better on well structured problems such as conic op- timization problems, thus, reformulation of these CTA models as conic optimization problem may be advantageous. We present reformulation of Pseudo-Huber-CTA, and l1 -CTA as Second-Order Cone (SOC) op- timization problems and test the validity of the approach on the small example of two-dimensional tabular data set.Peer Reviewe

    Verification servers: Enabling analysts to assess the quality of inferences from public use data

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    To protect confidentiality, statistical agencies typically alter data before releasing them to the public. Ideally, although generally not done, the agency also provides a way for secondary data analysts to assess the quality of inferences obtained with the released data. Quality measures can help secondary data analysts to identify inaccurate conclusions resulting from the disclosure limitation procedures, as well as have confidence in accurate conclusions. We propose a framework for an interactive, web-based system that analysts can query for measures of inferential quality. As we illustrate, agencies seeking to build such systems must consider the additional disclosure risks from releasing quality measures. We suggest some avenues of research on limiting these risks.